There is indeed. We all have been here before.
Hard to say because you already know the answer to that question. You just want it to be confirmed for you.
You should have yourself checked out by a doctor. It can mean some bad things but this is not the place to discuss them.
You may have a dark energy around you, living in your home. Sprinkle some sea salt in the corners of your home and try to keep it well lit for a week.
Graves and churches. They are dug up in graves and then they are brought to "life" in churches.
A car to escape as quickly as possible. Some holy water can do wonders too.
It depends on the state or province that the child is born.
She could either be wishing or worried for you. But dreaming pregnancy can also mean that she feels that you are holding some anger towards her or resentment.
Yellow can also mean caution. There is a reason why it's on most light signals.
You need to leave him ASAP. He does want you in his life but yet cannot be with you without resorting to abuse to fulfill his own deep seated needs to work out his past issues.
It's your call. He WILL NOT change