The number one enemies are us, humans. Destroying of the natural, etc.Besides humans, mongooses are the biggest threat to king cobras of any age, that's why in some countries people keep them(mongooses) instead of cats. These are followed by owls, eagles, sometimes rats, army ants, civet cats and centipedes.
Autobiography mean you have to tell about yourself, example where do you live, what is your occupation, you are married or not, your University, and other things.
If you will believe in God, you will see what is the meaning of life! Give your live to Jesus, he exists, there are miracles, and the miracles can say God exists!
Hard question, depend what liquid you put in a vessel, the water is a little bit heavier than other solid things(not iron) I mean sand example. 
The tigers are carnivore, so they eat flesh, they hunting buffaloes, zebras, and even if they are very hungry can attack hippos!