Boffins like Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell and Nikola Telsa are the people who normally spring to mind when we think about inventors. However, the greatest inventions in history were actually created thousands of years before these guys, by unwitting geniuses such as Ugg, Grok or Grumphhh. Without the important discoveries of prehistoric man things … Read more
Viruses may be microscopic, but they are prolific killers. There are more than 5,000 viruses known to man, and they are evolving every day. Medicine has been able to combat and eradicate some of the nasty little killers through the ages (such as smallpox and polio). However, there are still plenty of invisible beasties out … Read more
answered question
Choosing a holiday destination can be tough sometimes. Make a wrong decision and you could end up on a vacation from hell. Just ask anyone who visited Sri Lanka during the tsunami of 2004, was on the paradise island of Bali during the terrorist attack in 2002, or one of the many who have witnessed … Read more
The following is a list of the top 20 most addictive substances. The addictiveness rating is calculated based on the results of two separate studies. The first was a study undertaken by John Hastings for In Health Magazine. The second, from a study by Robert Gore and Mitchell Earlywine, entitled 'Marijuana's Perceived … Read more