I think both because someone can really be pretty on the outside and no doubt they are beautiful but you can also have an amazing personality so id say both defiantly
I LOVE white carnations there so plain and beautiful at the same time..they remind me of happiness. But my favorite smelling flower is the rose, orange blossom or lilac...mmmmmm they smell amazing
My favorite song is the call by regina Spector
its describing how pain full life can be
No i am not crazy.im just me and i can have fun when the right time is but i am NOT crazy
If your dog is more than 50 years old in dog years then it can be a side of old age.
If the dog was once in a house fire the smoke could have also done damage
Yeah you can but first you have to login to your account on your service if you can't get them talk to the manager
I guess she is nice when you get past the sick pictures to nick j
maybe but like i said are you really you...