Probably not. But some men fully grow until 25 years, so you might still get chance. There will be people who will promote grow taller pills and height enchanters saying that they will make you grow taller. It's a lie. They are dangerous to health and do not work. There are some ways you can … Read more
Well, you CAN NOT grow taller in 7 days for 5 cm. Unless you are in a super growth spurt or something. Best bet would be trying a new hairstyle which would increase your height, improving your posture and getting platform shoes. If you want to find out how to do that, check out the … Read more
If you want to grow taller you will have to do a lot: Improve your lifestyle, practice according exercises and maintain a healthy diet.Don't trust growth enchanters and pills since they are scams and do not work.If you are well past puberty, there might still be some ways for you to increase height.If you want … Read more