In the grand view of human history, computers are a fairly recent development. Today they are everywhere, but only 50 years ago the idea of a computer in every home and in everyone’s hand was a thought found only in science fiction novels.
But just as regular viruses have been tormenting the human body since … Read more
Words. Without them we’d all be really, really good at charades. And we probably wouldn’t have gotten this far as a society. What moved us further ahead was our ability to understand one-another's idea’s across the language barrier. By learning about the experience and culture of others through passing their words through a filter that … Read more
Comic books have nurtured this idea in our heads that maybe -- just maybe -- we can one day be super powered. Maybe we can one day learn to fly, or stop a speeding bullet, or even become invincible to harm. While the first two are still in the realm of the impossible, the last … Read more
Who says you actually have to complete you education to change the world? Well, tons of people, really. But, still. There have been, and there still are, plenty of very successful people out still that gave up on school to achieve their dreams. And they did. In a big, big way.
Walt Disney
Sure, everyone knows about the Cuban missile crisis, that terrifying month of October in 1962 when the world braced itself for nuclear annihilation. But that wasn’t the only time the world almost came to blows with massive nuclear arms. There are dozens of instances that saw tensions rise and itchy trigger fingers hovering over large red … Read more
When we watch James Bond movies we are always amazed by Q and his massive workshop of clever toys -- watches that shoot lasers, X-ray glasses, bagpipes with flamethrowers – all fun, murderous toys of secret destruction.
The crazy part of it all is that there are tons of these gadgets in real life, thanks … Read more
Through evolution, plants and animals have learned to better adapt to their surrounding ecosystems. Eventually, human hubris intervenes as we attempt to shift what we consider the best parts of various ecosystems in to vastly different ones. Sometimes the results work out well. For example, the sweet and delicious yellow bananas we all eat would … Read more
We all tend to believe that Gods are all benevolent beings that watch over us and care for us like only the most loving parent could. Nope, not at all. Most Gods are extremely violent lunatics that are vain, self-centered, and did we mention they were violent lunatics?
Here are some of the most violent. … Read more
Vending machines are typically known as the best place to get an overpriced bottle of soda, or some a packet of chips that never quite replaces the 2 meals you’ve missed that day.
Most people tend to think of vending machines as small, mechanized snack food dispensaries and nothing more.
However, here's a couple of … Read more
Dinner in the Sky
Merriam-Webster’s defines Irony as an “incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result.” We encounter little moments of irony in our daily lives. If I were to make up some, I would say that a Firehouse burning down out be ironic. An Olympic swimmer drowning in a bath … Read more
Brook Farm
Mass hysteria sounds like a phrase that doesn’t actually mean anything. Today, we normally use it in the hyperbolic sense. “Everyone is freaking out over these Tickle me Elmos! It’s mass hysteria!” But, this phrase that we just kind of casually throw around is actually has some substance behind it. As it turns out, there are … Read more
Oh, yes. There are tons, and tons of Saints – too many to tabulate, really – and they all represent a certain aspect of life, or a certain object in life, or anything in life. It almost seems like as soon as humans create a new thing, there is already a saint lined up for … Read more
The Olympics started in Olympia, Greece in 8th century B.C., and ran until 5th century A.D. After years of being ignored, a man named Pierre de Coubertin decided to honor the original Greek games by putting on what is now considered the first Olympiad in 1896.
The games played during this first Olympiad were fairly … Read more
Bacon. It is the food of the Gods. It may have taken sometime, but the internet finally caught on to this wondrous pig product. This once very basic breakfast food has now achieved the legendary status it so rightfully deserves.
Of all the things in our modern world that get unnecessarily hyped to the point … Read more
Life is a sliding scale … Read more
For as good as humans can be, we have a far greater capacity to be angry and vengeful. This vengeance takes many forms; some kill, some cheat, some will glue your butt cheeks together while you sleep. But few go as far as erecting a building as a monument to their anger toward another. … Read more
Anyone that is deeply entrenched within the world of video games knows how much unnecessary blame gets slopped on to the industry. If within the home of a serial rapist an Atari 2600 and a copy of Donkey Kong were found, some out of touch “voice of reason” would soon announce that the pixilated gorilla's … Read more
The Holy Land Experience