answered question
The best cure is to avoid the hangover by staying hammered. Drink 8 oz of water for every ounce of alcohol (or 1 beer) that evening. This helps alot but is not the day after cure. You have to do this while you are drinking. If you puke.... Game over.
answered question
Although hyenas bear some physical resemblance to dogs, they make up a separate biological family that is most closely related to Herpestidae (the family of mongooses and meerkats), though not all scientists agree.
That depends on how harty the sandwiches sre. Most people are happy with a few  ounces of meat so about five pounds. I'd have some extra just in case though. Figure 5 to 8 people per pound. If you have multiple meats, turkey, chicken, ham... Buy extra and don't get any gross stuff with pimientos or … Read more
answered question
If the blinds are white, use a diluted solution of bleach and water. Wipe on with a damp sponge. 5-8 drops of laundry bleach per cup of water should do. This may take a few applications to kill the mildew and reduce the stain. If the blinds are colored try with 3-5 drops of "color … Read more
answered question
The phrase is Latin, and loosely translated it means "Whether or not you ask for Him, God is present." or more literally "Bidden or not bidden, God is present." To pronounce it is basically how it looks. Latin is in most cases, phonetically spelled. Vo-ko-atus at-kwee non Vo-ko-atus  .... Like that
  A trapezium is the same as a trapezoid. Any 4 sided figure in which 2 opposite sides are parallel. A square and a rectangle are trapeziums. 
A trapezoid
A cat or a fish are not trapeziums.
Seeds are commonly scattered by the wind but this is not the only way. Birds eat seeds and poop them out in other places. Some animals will gather seeds for food and plant them to hide them. Coconuts (yes they are seeds) can float in the ocean for years and wash up on shore long … Read more
To see a mouse in your dream, indicates fear, meekness, insignificance and a lack of assertiveness. You are experiencing feelings of inadequacy and fears that you are not measuring up. The dream may also be telling you that you are spending too much time hiding in the shadows. Alternatively, it may symbolize minor irritations and … Read more
You probably have some food stuck in the screen or in the outlet hose. Remove the bottom dish rack and check around the bottom center area for junk. A rag or paper towel will stop the water too.  If you don't find anything then the hose may be plugged. The worst case would be if the … Read more