Well, Adderall can give you the jitters- and the codeine would take the edge off. Some call it "speed balling" (as in heroin and cocaine) (speed and a downer at the same time). In my experience, when I take any form of speed, I take a downer with it, to avoid jitters and tweaking- such … Read more
Well it depends- on several things- what is your tolerance? If you have no tolerance, you'll probably throw up and feel dizzy, maybe even pass out. Hopefully there will be someone there to make sure youre breathing-- thats if you have absolutely no tolerance at all. But if you have taken them before, then you … Read more
No Tylenol does not have penicillin. Many people are allergic to penicillin. Tylenol is acetaminophen, which is a pain reliever/ fever reducer.
Yes, you probably should. If youre taking Penicillin, you have an infection. And Tylenol is a fever reducer/ pain reliever.
MDMA, which is the main ingredient in X. But X is cut with meth, heroin, and who knows what else
Yes. Some places (like the methadone clinic I went to) had a way to tell between Oxy and morphine. But on a 5 panel drug screen, yes, it will show up as morphine.
I attend IOP (intensive outpatient) treatment, and there was a disagreement about that. Someone swore they were getting a contact buzz from being in a car where weed was being smoked, and 2 other people spoke up and said that it isn't possible, that the THC goes straight to the floor. Whatever. Hope that helps.
Yes, you could. But you shouldnt. Krystald30 is right. Ive tried it (hey, Ive done a lot of stupid things) but all it did was make me taste the cherry flavor in my mouth. It is best effective ingested, not injected.