Well I'm going to be I honest I broke mine with a toy. A lot of my friends had recently lost their virginity's and told me how much it hurt. And because I am choosing to wait til I get married which is years down the line for me I didn't want my first time … Read more
You would probably have better luck with a toy. To be I honest I broke mine with a toy. A lot of my friends had recently lost their virginity's and told me how much it hurt. And because I am choosing to wait til I get married which is years down the line for me … Read more
I am not sure of the reason for this. I don't think it means he doesn't love you. In fact I think it means the opposite people tend to be more truthful when they are drunk. I think they let their guards down more. He might want to tell you when he's sober but can't … Read more
Yes they are. In fact they are two of the best matched signs.
Hmm do you mean .666 repeating or just .666? Because if its just .666 then it is 666/1000
I can't remember the exact amount but I'm pretty sure it was over 6 million dollars.
Yes. According to Cosmo. Male Capricorn and female Virgos are good matches. They are a keeper in the love department and you hit the jackpot with them in the bedroom.
Yes they are called female condoms
It is a term for his penis.
I don't know I asked a similar question a while ago and haven't gotten an answer. Tell him how you feel and go from there. Also make sure you want to take that step and make sure you will still be friends if it doesn't work out.
Depends on the girl . For advice like that look in the magazine cosmo.
Get rid of him. You deserve better.