It's called side show by blue magic
Lenny williams its called Cause I Love You
Barabbas was a killer who was sent to prison and when it came time for jesus to be judge the people shouted for barabbas to be set free and to take jesus and put him to death instead.
There is nothing in the bible that says that you can not, samson had long hair and so did jesus. Many people believe that you shouldnt, but they can't judge you only God can. I don't see anything wrong with it, your hair has nothing to do with your relationship with God.
It is the day christ rose from the tomb
It hurts but it's not an unbearable pain, I guess it just depends on your pain tolerance. It is quick and the pain doesnt last long.
It's normal, so women may not have the typical signs of pregnancy or they come later in the pregnancy
5 days before and 5 after your period
Yes a lot of women do, it depends on how far along you are. You will have like severe cramps and excessive bleeding, if it's early sometimes it will just be like a heavy period.
Yes some women do bleed while they are pregnant, if you had sex recently you may be experiencing implantation bleeding which is the process of the baby attaching itself to your uterus to begin growth, get a test to be sure. You could just be having a tricky period.
herpes type 1 which is just the normal cold sore
herpes type 2 that is genital herpes
Are you on your feet a lot? Or do a lot of sitting, try putting your feet up instead of letting them hang all the time.