Jessica answered
No, some people find it difficult to digest and so it stays in their intestines and creates gas, which causes uncomfortable bloating, which can sometimes make you appear larger than you are.

The connection between gluten and weight gain, is that when you eat something high in gluten like a slice of bread. The … Read more
Jessica answered
The underlying cause should be found first.

This could be that the kidneys have failed and are finding it difficult to clear urea from the blood. There could be other reasons though. Generally, if the kidneys cannot clear the urea, the person is put on dialysis, which filters the blood for them.
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Jessica answered
In most instances, you will get muscle wastage, as you body uses muscle already on your body for vital functions. If protein deficiency continues, you would develop kwashiorkor. This is when you have so little protein, that essential blood proteins are low (like albumin) and tissue fluid accumulates in the abdomen. This is why when … Read more