If overdosing is a problem call a doctor
I think it would be sexy if theres mens thongs
You can wear almost any color
Yes you can get food stamps and being your unemployed you will get more
Go to your local court house and have it changed
It takes 6-8 weeks
If you have gas pain on your back it could be a gallblader attack ide go see a dr
If you have gas pain in your back its possible your having call blader attacks that happened to me
You can't get cash with a sears card its only good in the store for goods
I had a total hysterectomy 5 yrs ago at first I took hormone pills but now I'm off of them fill so much better not as much hot flashes or mood swings
I think yea it should if its the dogs fault
No its not a good idea hes to young
Nothing will happen
You have to work atlest 21 wks at a job to be able to draw unemployment
Try taking ice and rub it on the shirt it should peel right off