answered question 6/28/2009 How Do I Convert Kgs To Pounds? The formula to convert kg to pounds iskg x 2.20462262185 = pounds another free website
answered 5/17/2009 1/4 Cup Equals How Many Tablespoons? The formula to convert cup to teaspoons is cup x 48 = teaspoons so 0.25 x 48 = 12 so there is 12 teaspoons to 1/4 cup
answered 5/16/2009 How To Convert Celsius To Fahrenheit? The formula to convert fahrenheit to celsius is(Fahrenheit - 32) x 5/9 = Celsiusyou can find this conversion and more at and
answered 5/16/2009 How To Convert Celsius To Fahrenheit? The formula to convert fahrenheit to celsius is(Fahrenheit - 32) x 5/9 = Celsius you can find this conversion and more at or
answered 5/16/2009 How To Convert Celsius To Fahrenheit? The formula to convert celsius to fahrenheit is (9/5) x Celsius + 32 = Fahrenheit Or you can use the online conversion at