"I like you but I've noticed that my feelings have changed and I think its time to move......let's be friends?? "
Of course they are real!!!! They were the first beings to be created after the image of God. Then when Eve ate the bad fruit and Adam followed after her sin then entered into the world. Before Adam and Eve ate the Forbidden fruit they had been perfect in the sight of the Lord.
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Moses struck the rock when God commanded him to speak to the rock. Disobedience kept Moses out the promise land.
You have an equal number of Y chromosomes and X chromosomes. I don't think anything will increase a certain gene.
Some ways to tell a cheating boyfriend are...
- He will try to break the two of you up and make it seem that you two didn't really like each other in the first place
- He'll look fidgety or be on the alert
- He won't kiss you or tell you the things he did at the beginning of … Read more