It's possible that she still calls you because she still looks at you as her friend. And then again she could be hoping that in still associating with one another she feels that you may decide to start the relationship back up again.
Because in todays world that's just the law. And also at 15-16 you may not be totally mature enough to deal with or understand all that it takes to be in a grown up relationship. Some kids say that they are mature enough and then go through it and realize they got used only a … Read more
No, I would not because, eventually that would cause problems somewhere down the line. I had a friend who did decide to have a threesome with his wife, and he was ok with it , because it was his wife's idea to want one, so of course he was going to be ok with it. … Read more
In Miles Davis autobiography, he said that he believed in spirits and things of that nature, and that if he just had to pick a religion it would be Islam and that would make him Muslim. But I don't think he rightfully, was of any religion. He was just into his money and music.
Yes olive oil I believe is a great oil to use on your hair for dryness, I use to use it.
A landlord cannot turn off the heat on tenants.
Go to , and go to the top of the page and hit offender search, this should take you to a page where you can type in the inmates name and it should show you what they are in there for and what location in prison they are in and … Read more
Yes, it can. My cousin had this problem about 7 yrs. Ago. She was about 19 yrs. Old and had this problem. She claimed it stunk really bad! She would also have pain in her ovaries badly, her mother even had this problem when she was 19 or 20 as well. Her mother had something … Read more
I would have to say yes! My reason for saying that is because about 6 yrs. Ago. Me and my brother roomated together and everyday when he came home from work he would have a 12 pack of beer, every day. He would drink until he would pass out. So I started to feel he … Read more
Here is a website I found just When you go to it hit movies or what ever you want to do at the top, when you hit it it is going to gol to a screen to get you to download something, just hit cancel and then hit ok. Then scroll … Read more
The disadvantages of watching porn for some people is that when they actually have sex, they are not totally sexually into it as they use to be due to being so use to seeing it play out. It's not a turn on anymore. I believe the human body needs some surprising excitement sometimes in order … Read more
Yes it does! Some people experience darkening of the skin, or yellowing. Changed coloring in the whites of your eyes ( slightly red, or possible yellow). Break outs on your skin, face, back , shoulders, like acne. And for women hair breaking off, or falling out, getting thin. One main reason for this is because … Read more
It is very important about that. You need to try to stay away from foods that are high in potassium and phosphorus. Your dietitian should be able to give you a list of foods and the amount of potassium and phosphorus. Me personally, I take my binders constantly when I eat things with high potassium … Read more
Dialysis, basically pulls out your blood and filters(clean) it and puts it back into your body. It does what your kidney doesn't do now. There are people at my dialysis clinic who have been on dialysis for about 20 yrs. Or more
If I am not mistaken a marriage must be annulled within the first six months, after that you must file for a divorce
If you don't need it anymore like you are working and have insurance and just want to cancel it just call the medicaid office, or social security and they should be able to direct you to who you need to call. But if you are relocating and need to switch, then do the same thing … Read more