Walnuts contain lots of fat, but you would have to eat an awful lot for them to be fattening. Also, they contain mostly good fats, which help to eliminate cholesterol and increase brain power-so the benefits overwhelmingly outweigh the risks.
There are always people out there that will think that everything is wrong. Being gay is not a sin. It's found in the animal kingdom, among reindeer, seals, whales, horses, dogs, and many other animals. This is especially prominent when there is an overpopulation of a species (as with human beings now). If you believe … Read more
The 3 marks of conditioned existence (reality) are;
Anatta; not-self, that there is no such thing as a permanent self or soul, in that we are constantly changing and evolving
Anicca; all things and experiences are inconstant, unsteady and impermanent, everything is in constant flux. Things are constantly coming into being and ceasing to be. … Read more