Usually when you "poke " your eye you irritate the membrane around the eye. This will cause some redness and possibly some swelling.
Unless you had something very dirty on the object that hit your eye, it should clear up in several hours.
If, by chance, the object was dirty (or maybe it scratched the … Read more
MRSA is not an airborne bacteria that is spread through the air. You must come in contact with the body fluids of a person that has MRSA in some way. You may know how you came in contact or you may not. Example: If a person had an open sore with MRSA on their hand … Read more
Welcome everyone thank them for coming out to support the choir and for previous support, stress the occasion and what you have planned to celebrate this occasion. Be sure and stress you want everyone to help you and the choir celebrate the; what ever year; anniversary with them by doing what ever you have planned. … Read more
If you are a diabetic often theses are signs that your blood sugar isn't controlled well and you have neuropathy; this has to do with the nerves in the feet; caused by the disease and may have occured over a long period of time. A side effect of being a diabetic. If you are not … Read more