No its a sail with out a shell.
There are 8 ounces in one cup.
God made man and animals on the sixth day, dinosaurs are in the animals catergory.
Did you know that dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible. They aren't called dinosaurs but the behemoth and the leviathan. Its in the book of Job chapters 40 verse 15 - 24 and chapter 41 verses 1 - … Read more
Dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible. They are not called dinosaurs but the behemoth and the leviathan. It's in the book of Job, chapters 40 verse 15 - 24 and chapter 41 verses 1 - 10.
Some versions say they are an elephant or an alligator but if you remember the elephant's tail it is … Read more
By putting their bones back together like a puzzle. Some scientists know how muscles and tendons would be positioned in order for the animal to walk, move, and bite etc. Taking that into account and then covering the entire animal with skin, we have a pretty close representation of what the animal looked like.
Coloring … Read more
It was Sir Richard Owen who found some of the first dinosaur fossils in 1842. They were teeth.
They were pretty big too. He studied many types of animals and was pretty sure that these teeth did not belong to any living animal today. He did however think it was similar to a lizard's tooth. … Read more
The Bible says that God made man and ALL the animals on the sixth day.
Did you know that dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible. They aren't called dinosaurs but the behemoth and the leviathan. Its in the book of Job chapters 40 verse 15 - 24 and chapter 41 verses 1 - … Read more
Well they have changed their minds - they now think that the dinosaurs are more closely related to birds.
The term "dinosaur" was given in 1842 by Sir Richard Owen and derives from Greek word (deinos) "terrible, powerful, wondrous" (sauros) = "lizard". = Terrible, powerful, wondrous lizard.
It was Sir Richard Owen who found some of the first dinosaur fossils. They were teeth.
They were pretty big too. He studied many types … Read more
Origin of the Term
The word "dinosaur" was given in 1842 by Sir Richard Owen and is derived from the Greek word deinos which means "terrible, powerful, wondrous" and sauros, meaning "lizard".Put those together and you get a terrible, powerful, wondrous lizard.
Discovery of the Dinosaurs
It was Sir Richard Owen who found … Read more
I am not sure they are, it might be they are more recognizable than other fossil remains.
To the untrained eye a bone may not be noticed, but a tooth, a tooth is very recognizable by most everyone.
The name given to the dinosaurs was because of teeth, here is a little info … Read more
A 1944 D/S is worth between 70.00 - 150.00
The most important is keeping it! All of the above help you to do that!
I always use vinegar and salt. Vinegar is a natural acid. Lemons and oranges also have acid. You might want to try one of them with some salt. Let us know how it does.
Use Vinegar and salt. It cleans them really well.
It means "Gift from God". It is my sons name.
If you ask Senator Hilary Clinton, I think she would say it's a girl's name.
Well, for starters, it gives us light. It also gives us Vitamin D. Then warmth. It feeds our plants, which feed us.
Isn't it awesome that God made the Sun?
Did you know that the Earth is in the perfect position from the Sun? If the Earth were a few degrees closer to the Sun, … Read more
King Tut is King Tutankhamen .
He was a young King, a boy king also known as pharaoh.
King Tut was nine years old when he became pharaoh and reigned for approximately ten years.
Because he was so young he also married young.
Did you know, His tomb was so well hidden it … Read more