answered question
You need to first figure out the dimensions of the rectangle.
A rectangle will only fold around the sides of the can, but not the base or the top of the can.
What information do you know?
You already know how tall the can is, namely, 12 cm. That means that the rectangle will … Read more
How badly is it swollen and for how long? Can you still eat and drink?
Try maintaining good oral hygiene, such as brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash. If you can't eat and drink food and water, it's time for a dental appointment! Otherwise, it could be something relatively minor.
It depends on the medicine, your metabolism, your weight, your diet, and other factors. I -strongly- caution against taking Rx meds for "highs". It can do some nasty stuff. There's a reason doctors have to write a prescription for those meds. Stick to your weed, kids.
It depends on the quantity, the drug... Whether you are a habitual user...
Did you do a Bill Clinton "But I didn't inhale" number or did you drag long and hard?

Seriously, you probably know the answer to the question already.
One fluid is not "better" as opposed to another. It's your body's natural functions that have to expel the drugs.
Some drugs hover around in your body for quite a while.
Some drugs get flushed out naturally in your urine. It's the nature of the drug, how it is stored in your body, your metabolism, … Read more