If it was deleted recently, you can just go into the deleted folder and recover it. If it isn't there anymore, you have to contact Yahoo, they have to keep all of your e-mails in case of a police investigation. Not only that, but archiving e-mail messages and their routes helps them to get future … Read more
I'm with Fishwiz on this one, you can deposit however much you want, but you will only be insured up to a certain value depending on the bank you use.  Also, I don't think you can take out more than a certain amount at a time.  Your banker will know how much you are insured … Read more
If you are asking for the reason I think you are, not enough to melt down and sell. The operational part of the processor is silicon and the case is plastic and aluminum. Other than that, only the high end ones have gold, and that is only to connect the silicon wafer on the inside … Read more
answered question
Either they think it impresses the girl, they are completely oblivious to anyone's feelings but their own, or they have external conflicts that lower their self esteem to the point where they need that feeling of control and power. If this is a general question about a single boy, either tell him not treat you … Read more