My male cat does this too, but not to me. It seems that he knows it would hurt me. He does this when he is kneading a blanket, pillow, or a spot on the couch. He will bite the blanket firmly as he kneads and just hold it in his mouth.
No- regular milk (cow milk) can be extremely dangerous to kittens as it can cause diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and even death. The best milk for a kitten is his mother's milk, but if that is not possible, you can get some KMR (kitten milk replacement) which is basically kitten formula. You can … Read more
You can have a female cat spayed as early as two weeks after the kittens are weaned.
There really isn't a way to keep a mother cat from killing her kittens, other than to separate them and give the kittens to another nursing cat, or take care of the kittens yourself. Taking care of abandoned kittens is a lot of work.
Each kitten must be fed every hour to hour … Read more
Each kitten must be fed every hour to hour … Read more
A mother cat does not start producing actual "milk" until one to two days after the kittens are born. During the pregnancy (at the end) she produces "colostrum" which is made up of antibodies and other nutrients that her newborns need. (It is very, very important for the kittens to get the colostrum- it helps … Read more