There are 8 oz in 1 cup. To find 2/3 of 8 oz, multiply 2/3 by 8/1. 16/3 or 5 1/3 oz.
There are 2 cups in 1 pound, so there are 2 1/2 cups in 1 1/4 pounds.
To find the percentage form of a fraction, you must divide the numerator, which is the top number, by the denominator, which is the bottom number and then multiply that decimal by 100, which will move the decimal 2 places to the right, giving you the percentage. 36/50=.72 x 100=72%
School uniforms can be good because you do not have to spend time selecting clothes to go to school in. However, they can be bad because they do not allow students to express individuality.
1600/.80=$2000 original cost
To evolve most Pokemon, you must increase their level. Some Pokemon, however, require certain evolution items.