Well as far as hearing, definetly. Most animals, esp cats and dogs, pick up frequencies much higher and lower than the human ear can detect. Seeing is debatable, some paranormal investigators think animals can "see" spirits and apparitions, but obviosly since we don't know if they exist we can't say for certain, but if they … Read more
Well birds of prey, cats, dogs, most carnivores would love a little mongoose. Of Course they're famous for their ability to fight and kill cobra, but they are definitely still on the menu for poisonous and constricting snakes as well.
One thing its GARTER snake, not gardner. Sorry, just a pet peeve. Anyway mainly garter snakes eat crickets, goldfish, and baby (pinky) mice, in the wild. There are no snakes really that don't eat mice, but with garter or ribbon snakes you could probably feed them goldfish and crickets there whole life because they … Read more
I'm interested in this question, I have bred snakes for awhile and have never seen anything like that, if you're still around, may I ask what it ended up being and if the snake was ok?
All snakes in the species boa constricor, have live birth. Technically they just incubate the eggs inside their own body, they hatch, and out come live babies!!
Really it can mean many things, none bad really. It means your fully hydrated, it can mean you have excess vitamins in your system (which is good, it means youre getting enough), or it can mean you have a small bladder or a tough to control bladder. None of these are bad really, if you … Read more
You have to increase your fat and carbs and protein. Your body is breaking down all the protein you get too fast, but the fats and carbs are broken down first, so this means you probably need more of all three if you're working out.
Specacled kingsnake and no its not poisonous, if its a colorful snake just look for red lines next to yellow lines, that usually signifies poison. Or a rattle for a tail would be a good decider too :)
Garter or a king snake 

She is probably experiencing some Cognitive Dysfunction (Doggie Alzheimers) that is affecting her wake-sleep cycle. See a vet for possible different meds that may help. In addition, I would highly recommend some blood testing to check for any underlying problem such as Cushings and hypothyroidism
This is called the fontanel also known as the molera, not all puppies have this but toy breeds usually do.
Largest polar bear is 2210 lbs. And 11 feet, 11 inches in height, largest grizzly bear (actually a kodiak bear) is 2500 lbs. And nearly 14 feet tall. But generally speaking the polar bear is larger, just so happens the largest bear ever captured is a kodiak.
No they are diurnal carnivores and scavengers. While you may see them out at night sometimes, that is not typical behavior, they hunt during the day while the seals and sea lions are basking in the sun, then they attack! Then they retreat to their caves to sleep for the night time, they vision isn't … Read more
Its not a cross breed but it does have more than one name I think the other name you are looking for is: American staffordshire terrier
Sorry but that is the wrong answer, round worms are of course round and they come out in large groups, they would look like a moving pile of spaghetti, not just one solitary worm, your dog has a Tapeworm and what you are seeing is probably just a section of the actual worm inside him.
Run run run run run. And also big solid chew toys made of rubber or bone will beef up his neck and chest. But running and tug of war are BY FAR the best ways. Oh and feed him food that is specifically for large breeds.
Every type of lizard in the world pretty much, small snakes, frogs, its the staple diet for almost all smaller reptile and amphibians. Smaller birds love them as well, not to mention some humans enjoy fried grasshoppers covered in chocolate.
The only poisonous snake in new england is the eastern diamondback rattlesnake. Found mainly in maine, but sparsely in vermont, new hampshire and western MA.
Umm, coloration, size, lions live in "prides" which are large groups consisting of one head male and a few juvenile males and many adult females, tigers live solitary lives. Lions hunt on the savannah, tigers hunt in jungles. Tigers hunt there own food, male lions rely on the females to hunt. And MUCH more.
No definetly not, the male is in and out so to speak, he keeps moving and the female cares for the babies UNTIL they are born and then takes off as well. Baby snakes are all alone from the moment they are born and rely on themselves only no kinship or 'LOVE' in the snake … Read more