A vet should be able to do that, but in the meantime wrap up the dog's body tightly (but not too tight) and you have to prevent him moving too much.
With in 2 weeks how ever depending where along the cartilage you got pierced it could take up to bout 6 months for crusting to stop but to help speed it along pour sea salt and water mix on it then wait a lil bit then get in the shower
Give him some pure cola syrup in a lil bowl of water to calm his stomach and watch over a few days if he is safe then he should be ok but if not take him to the vet and they will give him antibiotic's but after so much chocolate the dog get immune to … Read more
No once the blood and other stuff comes out thats the stuff that holds the infant child inside the mother it makes up basically the hold sack so if that leaves the woman's body no baby no pregnant
Usually someone never really dies in thier own dream because your mind works like if a dreamer dies in his own dream it tricks the mind into believing that you are dead in real life so it shuts down the process of organs so usaully its your not dead completely the person IN the dream … Read more
2x8 are pretty strong ,,(I'm a carpenter) and usually it can goes to about 5ft between each object
[] 5ft []
Like a fish tank well the way you describe it , sound like a 75 gallon fish tank but don't just trust me
My cigar lighter fuse is blown ... I need to fix that... The fuse box is under the hood however I bought the car used and it doesnt have the fuse diagram .... No one , no website , has that diagram ( I need to fix that fuse ) so I either need a … Read more