Its just a sexual tool when can use to subdouse a men (or woman) its the way they use them that makes men get aroused.
You don't look ugly. If you feel ugly then its time for you to have a random party with friends and that will probally make you feel better
It might mean that something with your crush and your relationship with her may be coming to a different level, or the first dude who answered could be right. So be careful
We might be able to in the future, but we our now scratching the surface of robots.
I use to have the same dreams. There have been medical cases of people dying in there sleep when in a dream of falling they hit the ground and die. Your mind is thinking that your dream is real life and because its the control center of everything in your body, it will go into … Read more
You don't want to be possessed its like someone doing their bidding while you get the bad end of the deal( mostly death). You won't feel anything because you will black out and won't remember.
I haven't been possessed before or anybody else but I bet it won't be a fun ride.
We have seen movies about that type of stuff but it would have to be a be there to believe it. People might be possessed but I think we all have the will power to beat them from gaining control.
Im with the first girl who answered. I will either have a no meaning dream about something that could really happen and it would happen in the next week or so.