When you have diabetes, you have to control the amount of sugar and carbohydrates that you ingest, this is because the pancreas either produces no insulin, or not enough. If the pancreas is producing a ;little insulin you can be diet controlled. If your pancreas is not producing any insulin you need to inject it … Read more
answered question
Do you really want a friend like this? If you do, always remember she hurt you, don't give her the chance to hurt you again. Only tell secrets to anybody if you don't mind them getting out, if you do, don't ever tell. With this you can either deny it, or ignore it, whatever don't … Read more
answered question
Stay off cakes, biscuits, crisps etc. Eat three meals a day and don't snack. If like me you crave chocolate, have a chocolate day, mine is saturday. If I crave in the week I have a cadburys highlights drinking chocolate which is 40 cals, it is gorgious and does the trick, only one mind as … Read more