Sleep with me. Tell him about it. Take your top off. Get drunk. Set something on fire. Have a nice lay down. Fly a kite. Set the kite on fire. Ride a horse through a drive through. Eat a burger. Set it on fire. Sleep with me again. Go to sleep. Happy birthday!
If you're considering it, take it to a vet and let them prescribe him something.
They were all like "No Way" and he was like "Way".
A bruise possibly. Go see a doctor if it persists.
Problems starting the car is usually a good sign. Problems with battery charging too.
Sperm are sexless.
It means be extra careful.
Keep doing it because it's working.
Use ice. That's probably about as cool as you can go without injury.
Benchpress 100 midgets at once and then chug beer for 3 minutes. Then show her your bo staff skills.
She is le tired. Let her take a nap.
She doesn't like it when you touch her there.
Only one possible solution to that. Go for the mullet.
That you're very odd for looking at your dog's anus.
Really really tiny weights.