Termination of pregnancy for non medical reasons is allowed in the united states up until the end of the first trimester(around three months) But you have to go to a clinic that does abortions. Some people say you can use certain herbs to cause yourself to miscarry but I would strongly advise against this approach … Read more
Depends why he talks to her...if it is because they share a kid (which is the case with my boyfriend) there is not much you can say (even though it might bother you inside) But if he doesn't have a baby's mama and its just a girl he "stays really good friends with" then yeah … Read more
answered question
I have never heard of that. Most people feel it around the 5th month. Remember in the first trimester the baby is still very small (the size of a grape at two months) However I have been pregnant a few times and I remember having the sensation that something was moving ..early on..the doctor told … Read more