If bananas get cold they will turn brown very quickly, like that day. I never put my bananas by cold food when bagging at the store or where they touched they turn brown by the time I get home. Hang your bananas on the counter so they don't touch the counter. I have a "banana … Read more
Sounds muddy. Try it with food coloring.
I agree. It's very dangerous for a boy or a girl. There are predators out there that like both sexes. Usually you can meet other teens through your friends. Have a party at your house and have each friend bring two other friends you don't know. Be creative!
My dad always said fruit makes you poop! My niece would get stopped up, come to our house for the weekend, have juice and fruit and fiber and be regular when she went home. What do you feed her?
Drink Metamucil to get the fiber you are missing. I too think it's Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Have a vasectomy or don't have sex. Bottom line.
My daughter says at the diamond castle.
Are you serious?! Worry about what you are doing to your baby not if you will get caught. Oh my god
Some breeds do this naturally. I know it's gross. Keep them away as much as possible? Mine eats rabbit droppings if it makes you feel better.