Hindus prepare their food on open fire generally. The ingredients used are spices and cereals, which are cooked with the help of different spices. The difference in the combinations of vegetables, cereals and spices make a huge variety of dishes. In their cooking, they make a liberal use of edible oil. Te cooked dishes are … Read more
Denial of rights mean that ones freedom is being curtailed or blocked. Usually it is related to the fundamental right as specified in the constitution.
A child's food should be a very balanced diet. It should have all the minerals, vitamins, fibers, carbohydrates and proteins. Also, many children do not drink sufficient water. Even that is necessary. However, care should be taken as to keep the junk food to a minimum. The food should not be very greasy. It should … Read more
It is a rare occasion when you write a letter to your boss as his/her well wisher. I presume it is a special occasion such as he or she going on a tour or a long holiday or even might be changing company.
First of all be yourself. You can allow for once all your … Read more
In your letter, first and foremost you need to introduce yourself. Next, you need to give the highest qualification or the degree you have and the expertise you have. This should be in no more than two sentences. Lastly you provide a glimpse of your experience, where you must mention the various industries and domains … Read more