How old is your cat and when did this start? Try putting her cat box in you room and see if that helps. Get pet odor remover and spray the mattress and pillows good. Wash the sheets and blankets in laundry soap ad about a cup of vinigar to get the smell out. Sadly sometimes … Read more
The baby kitten should start breathing right away after the mom cleans off the sac and if it doesn't you should either try breathing very gently through mouth and nose or rub the kitten to get it to start breathing immediately. And sometimes they are just to weak to survive in this world and you … Read more
A lot as they are just tiny and eat to much and have to poop a lot. You did not say how old your kitten was as that would help a lot
Go to the vet with a sample of it's feces and they will let you know what kind of worms it has and give proper medicine. Don't trust over the counter stuff you can really make a animal sick from it!!!!
Yes they can and you need to go to a vet with a sample of the feces so they can see exactaly what kind of worms they are so you are treating the animal properly.
Go see a orthopedic Dr. For this. I don't have all the same symptom's as you but I have the numbing and pain going down my right leg and I have siatica which also has to do with the spine.
You need to go to the Dr. And find out. What is the matter with some of you people you ask questions and take the word of others when you should be seeing a Dr. It could be nothing and it could be very serious
Why would you even think of staying with someone who went to prison???What did he go for??? I would get out of this relationship seen as he has been calling his girlfriend and tell him to go to hell!!!!! There are plenty of very nice men in the world and I am sure you can … Read more
Our responsibility to nature is to take care of her. Don't throw things out your car windows for other people to pick up, get involed in your community and recycle, don't use plastic bags buy the ones in the stores and use them. Don't waste things like paper towels and such use a cloth to … Read more
You did not say whether you are on your period or not. If you are you will bleed a lot heavier as you get the blood flowing through your body a lot faster and thus make your period heavier when you exercize. You also need to be more specific with your question as no one … Read more
If I were you I would and get it checked out as there could be something wrong with your ovary that might require surgery