It controls a high current circuit, via a low current circuit, thus it triggers a circuit that can deliver enough power to drive the starter. If the relay fails the start will not get the power it needs to operate.
I am an Native American ( pol correct stuff) born and rised in the city, a Canadian city, don't know much of my heritage. Would love to learn more of it and retire in the country. Was forced into early retirement, to take care of my disabled wife, she has since become more active and ableboded, lol thus not needy of assistance. Hence my return to the work force.... lol . And our upcoming sepparation. Oh well life goes on, I wish her the best and love her kids dearly. But I understand, I had become the crabby nurse everyone talks about and forgot how to be a daddy. They could use the break from me and find their own peace, as I work on mine. Been a long 7 years with her disability, even though it was on again and off again, never knew when and what to expect.
Any more, I will need to reflect more on that...