1 milligram = 0.001 grams
0.5 liter = 2.1134 cup
6 millimeter = 0.2362 inch
1,500 cc = 50.721 ounces
Depends on what your putting inside the measurement...
For instance, a 15x30 room = 450 square ft. That is a pretty large room for a bedroom, living room... And WAY to big for a bathroom...
In what reference are you looking at 450 sq ft?
1 Tablespoon = 0.062499 cups
6 Tablespoon = 0.374999 cups
20 grams = 1.405 tablespoons
Need more information on this one....
If the driveway was 25 feet
25 feet = 7.62 meters
1 kilometer = 0.62137 miles
25 kilometer = 15.53427 miles
1 Teaspoon = 4.9289215938 milliliter
2/3 Teaspoon = 3.2826617815 milliliter
1 liter = 1000 milliliter
25 liters = 25000 milliliters
Depends on what you are tiling and the existing surface. If your going to be tiling around your tub/shower - yes, use backer board.
It's my opinion that MOST of the time, supervisors/bosses would be understanding to personal situations that "come up" For Example: A death in the family, sick child, broken water heater, car problems etc.
My brother-in-law passed away suddenly (while I was at work) - I left the job within 5 minutes of being notified … Read more
My brother-in-law passed away suddenly (while I was at work) - I left the job within 5 minutes of being notified … Read more
Hi - you can always address pain. Altered Nutrition, Altered self image (depending on how advanced)
View the pic please - this is a close up on a 2 inch segment.