Envy and jealousy can turn people into Monsters. A little bit of jealousy is normal, but society needs to learn not to cross the line. Men and Women both have actually killed the ones they say they love over jealousy. The saying" If I can't have you no one else will"has turned into deadly situations. … Read more
answered question
I think it's ok for guys to pierce their ears. But honestly I don't think it looks good for men over 40, or 50, depending on how he looks to have piercing. That's just my opinion, I don't think its wrong for older men to have a piercings I just don't care for it.
Maybe 1 in a billion,but if you do pierce your ears, go to a professional, they will tell you how to take care of your ears and give you all the cleaners you need to use.
You should never perm over your old perm, unless you are going to cut a lot off.So I always suggested to my clients to let most or all of the last perm grow out before you perm again. If you do that your hair will be a lot healthier, and your permRead more
answered question
I have been jealous before,and I hated it. But I read that the reason women are jealous of each other is because, women think if another women is pretty, it's going to take away from her beauty and then she will not be as pretty. But that is not the case, whenRead more