Time will tell.before we measure his head for mt rushmore lets see how he does after a couple years,then decide.I sincerely hope he does well,but to be honest the hype surrounding this guy is a bit much.Schools petitioning to be renamed after him before he took office,did you see that?Yes,its a important milestone for the … Read more
WOW, bitterness on both sides is so childish,temper tantrums anyone?How about this,why do americans believe that any politician,regardless of party can effectively change this economic mess?Politicians, crooked bankers and CEOs w/no business ethics got us into this.Blame Bush?How about Clinton for NAFTA that sent American jobs overseas?Bush came along and did nothing to change that,hes … Read more
Whale blubber used to be the reason,I assume it still is.Blubber was/is used for oils and other products.Possibly for meat as well.