Photosynthesis consumes CO2 and produces oxygen. Plants also form homes to a multitude of life and take their role in the food chain for their flowers, leaves, stems, fruits etc.
Commercially available electronics solder is made from a mix of lead and tin.
An operating system is an intermediate layer between the hardware layer on a computer and the high level software such as spreadsheets that we use everyday. An operating system is responsible for controlling the interactions between software and hardware as well as handling inputs given to it by hardware (i.e. A keyboard or CD drive). … Read more
Atomic power stations are an extremely clean form of energy - they work by heating water with radioactive energy and then the steam from the water turns a turbine - there are no carbon emissions produced by this process and the power station will provide power to a larger area than an equivalently sized fossil … Read more
There are several pay as you go credit cards on the market which improve your credit rating by confirming that you'e paying the bills and giving the a line of credit. Also don't query your credit rating too much, abnormally large numbers of checks are considered to be a bad thing by the rating system.
You might have poor circulation, I wouldn't worry about your nose being cold as there is no reason for blood to flow through it - it has no muscles at the tip. Your fingers being cold could be a sign of poor circulation which is nothing to necessarily worry about unless you have a history … Read more
He could be testing you to see if you get jealous easily but he could also be trying to break up with you in a very jerky way. Ask him why he keeps talking about other girls all the time.
Training is essential to employee development and happiness. Employees want a feeling of progression in the workplace and want to feel that every day is contributing toward a career, training employees even in immediately irrelevant skills that they perceive to be relevant can improve their confidence and work ethic enough to justify the training. Simply … Read more
Presuming that you are referring to anti-drug etc. Campaigns....
Fear can be a powerful way of introducing the negative affects of something in context i.e. Road death campaigns are extremely powerful because they introduce an identifiable human life that is taken away instead of just bombarding people with statistics. Successful campaigns need only spend a … Read more
Fear can be a powerful way of introducing the negative affects of something in context i.e. Road death campaigns are extremely powerful because they introduce an identifiable human life that is taken away instead of just bombarding people with statistics. Successful campaigns need only spend a … Read more
No. Most plants cannot survive without water because h2o is a heavy component in photosynthesis, plants that don't photosynthesis much (i.e. Cacti) retain water a lot better.
Thermal conductivity is a materials ability to conduct heat,
an thermal insulator (i.e. A blanket) would be a poor conductor of heat and designed to keep heat in.
most thermal conductors are metal or liquid based i.e. A flask of hot water contains conductive hot water and metal but is lined with plastic to … Read more
an thermal insulator (i.e. A blanket) would be a poor conductor of heat and designed to keep heat in.
most thermal conductors are metal or liquid based i.e. A flask of hot water contains conductive hot water and metal but is lined with plastic to … Read more
Here is a great example:
This boat emptied its balast tanks to get rid of organisms living in the water and it all went wrong.
This boat emptied its balast tanks to get rid of organisms living in the water and it all went wrong.