Salt (sodium) intake can increase the volume of blood that circulates in the bloodstream. The body wants to maintain a certain concentration; it will "dilute" areas to keep that concentration equal. With increased intake of sodium, the blood becomes more salty, and the body will move water into the blood vessels to bring … Read more
Depends. Fliers can be inserted into your local newspaper for 5-7 cents each but your audience will be limited. If you want to target you message I suggest direct mail or Valpak in your local market. You can do mailings for 50 cents per piece or so you can mail to a targeted list by … Read more
Warning signs of a heart attack (aka myocardial infarction) can be the classic signs of pressure or a squeezing sensation in the chest under the breastbone. With angina, this occurs with exertion, and
is relieved by rest; this is usually a warningRead more
Warning signs of a heart attack (aka myocardial infarction) can be the classic signs of pressure or a squeezing sensation in the chest under the breastbone. With angina, this occurs with exertion, and is relieved by rest; this is usually a warning signRead more
Coupons with discounts on new product at a local area store.  A mail piece offering discounts if you  recommend others in your area to their business.

A new market sent out postcards offering free ice cream to kids that visit the market.This was a great way to get families to visit a new store.
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