Well harley I live in p.a and am going through this as I speak. My ex-wife and I have 2 beautiful children,and I was taken to a domestic hearing,by my ex-wife for child support.The courts will decide how much you get based on your income and your ex-spouse. There is a certain formula they use. … Read more
It sounds to me that the main valve feeding the home is not seating properly..if that is the case you should call the water dept. Or a licensed plumber to fix the valve....think about it ...if you have a MAJOR LEAK how will you shut off water to the home ...a expensive insurance claim or replace … Read more
Well in P.A a urine test can cost between $15.00-$30.00 ....hope this helps!
The color of the flame is determined by the amount of oxygen its getting
Go to google earth .com and download. I did it to checkout golf courses and it is a great site .it zoomed right onto my house and property as well ....hope this helps!!
ok you have a oil -fired burner on the hwh ..now it could be a possibility of 10 or more issues 1. Oil going to unit? 2.transformer working to ignite oil 3.bad nozzle?...that is where the fuel shoots out during ignition....before I continue..try those things ..what kind of burner? Beckett,carlin,weil-mclain,riello.
well I have to agree with everybody on this one the excorcist should be right up there with the all time scary movies .....lets put it this way when the excorcist was released linda blair was not allowed to see the movie she starred in .crazy huh??? Lol
30 days ...drink a lot of cranberry juice and go to gnc store and get a tea they sell to clear your the toxins from your body