answered question
White light is made up of every single color in the visible spectrum (all the colors we can see). You can tell by splitting the light apart using a prism (which is just what Issac Newton did). On the other hand, black is made up of no colors in the visible spectrum.
DNA contains the following:
  • Ribose, a sugar
  • A phosphate group (a phosphorous atom surrounded by oxygen atoms)
  • Nitrogenous bases: Adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine (often abbreviated as A, G, T, C)
Ribose molecules and phosphate groups combine to form the sugar-phosphate backbone, which are the two long "strands" of DNA that hold the nitrogenous … Read more
Cell walls allow the plant cell to store as much water as possible without lysing (popping, breaking apart) the cell. Like the cell membrane, the cell wall also protects the cell from harmful stuff.