False What do you use if you drive a manual shift?
Underneath the truck on passengers side behind the front tire. It would be right where the engine and transmission bolt together the starter would be facing toward the front of vehicle.
You can unhook the positive battery cable for a couple of minutes and then hook it back up. Then turn the key back on and start the vehicle, if the check engine light stays off mission accomplished, if not you have a code that comes back as soon as power is supplied. Then it time … Read more
If this a front wheel drive vehicle and the steering wheel or the front end shakes during acceleration its usually a indication of a bad front axle shaft. By what you have described that's what it sounds like. If it would be the exhaust you can check this by doing a brake torque, this is … Read more
Go to Kelly blue book.com. If it is over 20-25yrs old you would have to find a blue book company that goes back further, you can sometimes find that online too.
You have to remove both battery terminal ends by loosening the nuts, then take a pair and twist on the clamps to get them off. Next remove the battery hold down bracket by removing the two bolts on the sides of the battery. If it has just a bottom hold down clamp it would be … Read more
If you check with some of your local salvage yards, they usually have old boat motors laying around. Otherwise your Johnson and Evinrude dealer could help you or check online for boat motor salvage yards.
Under normal acceleration the trans should shift from 1st to 2nd at about 20mph to 3rd at 28-30 and overdrive at about 42mph, if it has lockup this should come in at 52-55mph. If at heavy acceleration the speeds will be higher, and if you're passing it will down shift as far as it needs to … Read more
What you need is a longer handle or slide a piece of small pipe over the top of your wrench too give you more leverage and so that you can move more freely with your other hand to remove the belt. Once you get the tensioner released slide the belt off of the idler pulley … Read more
You'll need to get the vehicle high enough to get underneath it, and then go from the back side of the cross frame by the cat converter with a two foot extension and a fifteen metric swivel socket. You should be able to get it this way. You can see the nut between the power … Read more
The firing order is 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2. Number 1 is stamped into the distributer cap then it goes clockwise in the order mentioned. 1-3-5-7 on the drivers side 1 in front towards radiator then 2-4-6-8 on passengers side 2 is in front by radiator.
First drain the oil from oil pan, then remove the oil pan. The oil pump has the oil pick up attached to it and comes off with the oil pump.There are two 9/16 headed bolts that hold the oil pump on remove them and oil pump will come off. Once off remove the oil pickup … Read more
It's possible the tone ring for the crank sensor is bad or that you have a restricted fuel line. Remove the fuel line from the fuel rail and turn the key to the on position to see if fuel shoots out or hook up a fuel pressure gauge to the shroeder valve on the fuel … Read more
Check the throttle pressure linkage on the drivers side of trans under vehicle it is more than likely rusted tight . It would be the top lever on trans and it should move freely,if not pop it off sand the pivot ball apply a little grease to ball and put it back together. The trans … Read more
I believe the trans is in what they call limpin so you only have 2nd and reverse. This limpin mode is what set off your check eng light. You would need someone to get the fault codes out of the trans controller with a scan tool. You would need to do this first to properly … Read more
Could use alittle more info on this. Is it that it doesn't shift into third right away or that it is not going into overdrive. If its not going into third right away it could be two different things. 1 it could be the throttle pressure cable is out of adjustment or there is a … Read more
There three or four bolts on the back side of the hub and you must also remove the axle nut. If you already removed these you may have to heat it with a torch and hit it with a hammer right after.
No it does not but it does have a auto shut down relay, and a fuel pump relay. Check the power distribution center under the hood.
If the vehicle is an automatic and depending on the year it is located on the lower drivers side of the trans and is called a prndl switch. This for I believe 2005 or older otherwise it is called a transmission range sensor which is located on the valve body inside the trans. This would … Read more
If the vehicle has been sitting for awhile the rear brake shoes are rusted to the drums. I have been able to get them free most of the time by hitting the back of the drum with a good size hammer. This is for Caravans with rear drum brakes. For vehicles with rear disc brakes … Read more