You should stop him from doing that.. Tell him it's either your body or nothing.. Why does he have to look at other girls bodies?.. "looking around" is an equivalent of a wandering eyes and is the same as cheating
The presence of that other third party is a bit disconcerning - and the advances are likely to increase.. In the game of love, you have to cover your bases - tell the gf to make a choice.. There is only one future that she can have - either with you or with him.. If … Read more
First try to put the baby down and firmly tell her to nap and walk out of the room - of course she will be telling you that she's not sleepy and tell you a whole lecture about the rights of babies to a sleepless day.. But I suppose you have already tried that.. Now … Read more
A tea spoon of prune juice.
If this is not a medical emergency (and I am talking about life-threatening type), then keep the baby where the baby has been born - infants are very sensitive to the change in anything (like water and food) not to mention such HUGE changes like a change in geography and time zone... Your pediatrician will … Read more