Yes you can still be pregnant. I had a period for the first 3 months of my pregnancy and that's why I didn't know I was pregnant until I was 4 1/2 months along. I usually skipped a period or two and that's why I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was 4 … Read more
Sorry sweety but there isn't any way to get bigger boobs without surgery. Most doctors wouldn't touch a 15 year old girl for surgery because her body is still growing. You need to let mother nature take it's course and don't be in such a hurry! You're only 15! Please don't let any of the … Read more
NO! I work in the cancer field and LCD tv's do not cause cancer. Everywhere you turn someone is saying this causes cancer or that causes cancer. Please don't believe everything you hear on what causes cancer. If you have questions on what might cause cancer, please check and see if there is a cancer … Read more