Go on tvshack.net .. They have all kinds of tv show's for free and movie's as well.
Seriously whats with all the questions about thongs? There not that hard to figure out and you can't be serious,you say your wife wants you to wear a thong infront of her boyfriend..
Yes the girl can become pregnant,if this actually happend and you two don't want to become parents then she should go to a doctor and get Plan B.Its a pill that prevents pregnacy more then birth control but should only be used if the birth control failed.Plan B helps to temporarily stop the release of … Read more
It could possibly be throat cancer you should really get it checked out a.s.a.p
It really doesn't matter, go with your feelings and whoever makes you the most happy.
Lolz I had a sideways mohawk and it looked so cool
like I had all my hair but I also had short pieces cut on top
so I spiked it sideways and everyone I knew loved it because it was different compared to the other mohawks.
like I had all my hair but I also had short pieces cut on top
so I spiked it sideways and everyone I knew loved it because it was different compared to the other mohawks.
Umm I really don't think that's ever going to work again.
So just get a new one.
lolz and remember next time to not wash it in the washer.
lolz and remember next time to not wash it in the washer.
Your really lucky you didn't start it yet because I started when I was 12years
old and it wasn't so great because I had bad cramps and all my friends got it when they
were 13-16, anyways what I'm saying is that everyone gets is at different ages and you have
nothing to worry about.
No, he is not real, all those gifts you get on Christmas are from your parents and family.
No there not all jerks because i met a lot of nice guys
and I'm sure eventually you will to.