Give us peace. Quibbling over whether it should be 'give' or 'grant' is not really productive. Translation, particularly from ancient languages, is not an exact science and either is equally valid. The previous answer, give me peace is not quite right. The Latin for that would be 'Dona mihi pacem'.
Standard form is a handy way of writing very large or very small numbers. In standard form we express the number as a number multiplied by a power of 10. Let's start with a large number: 1234.5. Move the decimal point to the left until there is only one digit (other than zero) to its … Read more
At the top of the ramp the toy has a certain amount of potential energy. The amount of this energy depends on the height of the ramp and the weight of the toy. (The toy's weight is dependent on its mass and the force of gravity.) As the toy rolls down the ramp this potential … Read more
It means there is a force drawing two magnets or a magnet and some magnetic material together. The opposite of attract is repel. Two magnets will attract each other if you put the opposite poles near each other, or repel each other if you put like poles together.
answered question
People's car. The original Volkswagen company was created on the orders of Adolph Hitler to produce a cheap car for the German people. The engineer chosen to design the car was  Ferdinand Porsche.
Percentage error is the error result minus the correct result, divided by the correct result and multiplied by 100. Let the original number be x. Error = 100((3x/2)-(3x/2))/(3x/2)   = 100(0)/(3x/2)   = 0/(3x/2)   = 0% The error percentage is zero because dividing by 2/3 is the same as multiplying by 3/2. The student … Read more
That title has been applied to at least three people, and probably others. Read up on the following and take your pick. George R. Stibitz (1904 - 1995) John Vincent Atanasoff (1903 - 1995) Alan Turing (1912 - 1954)
answered question
It's based on Psalm 113:9 in St. Jerome's Latin version of the Bible, the Vulgate: 'non nobis Domine non nobis sed nomini tuo da gloriam' The corresponding verse in the King James Version is Psalm 115:1 'Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for … Read more
16.6666666666...   (16.6 recurring. Normally you show this by writing 16.6 and putting a dot above the last 6. If you want it to 2 decimal places it will be 16.67)
According to the law of conservation of energy, energy is not gained or lost but simply converted from one form to another. When a car is at the top of the roller coaster it is moving slowly but has a high level of potential energy. As it accelerates under the force of gravity the potential … Read more
According to the law of conservation of energy, energy is not gained or lost but simply converted from one form to another. When a car is at the top of the roller coaster it is moving slowly but has a high level of potential energy. As it accelerates under the force of gravity the potential … Read more