I don't know if you are asking is a guy worth waiting on?
Is he worth going out with?
Is he worth your time?
Is he worth having sex with?
A guy is worth it only if he respects you all the time. Respect plays a huge part in a relationship. If a guy respects … Read more
This is a great website with great pics and step by step instructions. These are fun to make and they are not hard just time consuming...but worth it. Be Blessed!
Ok here is what you do pick the guinea pig up if it is a young guinea pig feel under the butt near the back legs if you feel 2 little balls it is a male if you don't feel 2 little balls it is a female ok if it is an older guinea the … Read more
I would try the vitamin E it can't hurt to try it. I would really be surprised if it is gone in a week though. I use to have a plantars wart on the ball of my left foot. For years and years it tormented me. I would cut the core out and I would be … Read more
I don't know how old you are and what your interests are but here are some different topics that might interes you. I hope this helps Be Blessed!
Should the minimum age for attaining a driver's license be increased? Should this be a national standard?
Should the mandatory age for quitting school … Read more
Should the minimum age for attaining a driver's license be increased? Should this be a national standard?
Should the mandatory age for quitting school … Read more