You can try to keep your relationship a secert but, if some one see's you with that special person than maybe they might tell. Can take the bus but, you might be taking a big chance. I know I did when I kept a sercert of a guy my partents found out and wanted me … Read more
If i had to do my past over i would of changed not been so shy and scared of talking to guys. Plus waited on marriage not to been abused and other things goes with a abuser. Not to been in a rush into a marriage and was not sure of love.
He might be cheating on you. When he is not home check his pockets for recepts of hotels and dinner. Or follow him and have a camera ready. Even better call his job and ask him what time you will be home. Or if you have the money hire someone and get a report from that person.
Take a test and see and sometimes if your late might be the weather change or under a lot of stress. If you used protection than not sure.
Yes is normal after your period. I get it after and feels like my period all over again and get more curvings. The pain will last maybe few days to 1 week.
True love is that you get butterflyies in your stomach when you talk to that person or cannot wait to see them or call that person on the phone. Also you don't want to leave there home at the end of the night. Your heart will tell you and you will know your in love … Read more
Maybe your under a lot of stress your period might be late. Give yourself another week or so than start to worry. And than do a in home test to see if you are pregnant.
Would e-mail that hotmail and they hopefully give you a new password. Than write it down. Or open a new account with all the different name and different user name and see what happens. Gave you two things and see what one will be better for you. I know I forgot mine for talk city and they … Read more