Well lol it just depends... Some people are much more sensitive at times and they cry some people just cry at all times.. Even if their happy.
Yes i was like 7 or 8 and i was eating this peppermint ball candy and it was huge i was talking and eating my candy at the same then i started choking really bad and i couldnt breathe... Ok yess i know wat peppermint candy but yess it was very serious.
Hmmm idk doesnt it taste better cuz its cold though lol.. I dnt think theres any harm ice is plain water so its not gonna do anything
hope this helped!! :)
Yeah people actually do because its a way that they can express themselves if u see dark colors that may portray sadness.... But if people need something to express their emotions. Art is great for them!!
Never heard of pancake tuesday but i would have them with orange juice my favorite lol and strawberry..
Hugh Martson Hefner birthday april 9, 1926 he is age 83.
Maybe something happened in the past tht you are remembering nw and its hurting you.... And maybe people have hurt you in the past so your scared of people hurting you again..
So so.. Im okay though. Life holds many thing s like bad and good, but im just living life the best i can.
I will keep them. But if i know someone who is not able to even buy anything or i will give it to the less fortunate.
I just celebrate with my family and help make food. Its fun though family is most important.
LoL i now how u feel..... U can go to ur settings and change it though.
underage girl got into a club he was playing at and he ended up with
her. Then there was major media coverage and he went through a tough
time trying to get them to believe that she looked older and he's not a
kiddie fiddler.If you don't believe me go to … Read more