answered question 10/13/2008 What's Wrong With My Hamsters Eyeball ? I Saw Its Eye Ball Is Huge And Freaky Looking . What Can I Do? Gey well I have a dwarf hamster and all hamster have big honking eyes my does here I will put a picture of here well it depends how big they are go to vet if they get big (bigger)* hope this helps re: Look at pic
answered question 10/11/2008 Is Giving Out Your Cell Number A Bad Thing? Yes! Really bad on the inernet they get so much stuff just with a cell number
answered question 10/11/2008 My Cat Is Walking Sideways, Why? Has he been biting something maybe he is trying to bite it and walk at the same time
answered question 10/11/2008 Why Is My Elderly Shih-tzu Dog Licking Constantly? Maybe or you have some thing speeled OR leaking on it good luck
answered question 10/11/2008 My Kitten Has Been Vomiting And Has Diarrhea. She Is Drinking Water, But Not Eating. What Should I Do? well give wet food see if he or she or dry food or put wet and dry together