If you go to any after market stores such as car-quest, autozone, or advance they have the guide on their computers and although they can't print the book in it entirety they can give you the section for which you are having problems. I hope that helps you. God bless!
the best time to take a home test is always in the morning when your urine is more concentrated. You can still be pregnant even with a negative result. I would wait a couple days and take another test with your first release of the day
yeah my sister is 14 years younger then me and I remember when she got them they were pretty bad and one leg at a time. I would lay awake at night and rub her leg and give her warm socks in the day time. I would just do what you can to make him … Read more
if obama wasn't a citizen don't you think that palin and McCain would be the first one to know with the way it going down on the polls. The lucky one is McCain he wasn't born in the u.s he lucky and he knows it
call the dmv or the police and let them run the car on the system. Tell them that you suspect the car is stolen
you need to ditch your neon and get a focus!! But really it probably need a tune up and you distributor adjusted
It could be too many things. Fuel pump...trani...spark plugs. If I knew better the situation I could help. I would suggest a full tune up and diagnostic
your trani is gone and needs to be replaced. With that high of miles at that year you have put a lot of work on that vehicle. I realize that chevy is strong but its time to put that poor trani to sleep. You might have also added the wrong kind of trani fluid you … Read more
it's easier to loose your temper then it is to admit your wrong and everyone knows that. You need to notice your red flags and when you feel yourself beginning to loose control do something to make yourself laugh. I know you probably thinking who ganna laugh when they are so upset but honestly it … Read more
You need to be careful it could be a bacterial infection or if you are sexually active it could be a std like the clap. I would get checked out as soon as possible
I would also suggest getting your blood sugar levels test. I am diabetic type 1 and I notice that when my blood sugars run high I get a bad taste in my mouth also