answered question
The desire to love ourselves by winning a challenge. This is the underlying desire that we have been made to conciously articulate, for all activities we are involved in,. However,if we had been  told the truth in clear language, that our purpose for action is to serve God ,then most would jump to perform their … Read more
One is governed by Treaties (International) the other by Local Laws One involves the use of foreign currency for exchange (internationa) the other by domestic currency The scale/quantities of good/services is restricted by cultural tastes(International) the other consumption patterns. The pattern of Marketing/Advertising is determined by cultural identity(International) the other by local preference One requires … Read more
answered question
X Joan or John Doe (please put correct name) The Principal X High school X address Dear Mr/Mrs. Doe,(please place correct name) I have been accepted to enter the X University/College in X and to this end I am seeking Financial Assistence. I have been advised by the university/College that in order to get this … Read more
Good shot all of you but please remember tone down on the disgust it is so much unlike Christmas, whenever it is celebrated.  By the way is was originally CHRISTMASS...get the mass..peaceful, quite, introspective.. Holy penitent..looking UP